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From Wannsee House and the Holocaust, Chapter 6

Hitler authorizes Reichsleiter Philipp Bouhler and Dr. Karl Brandt to empower certain doctors to euthanize the incurably ill. This document, dated September 1, 1939, is the only murder-order Hitler is known to have signed. |
There is one common misconception regarding the Holocaust. Many people
believe that the final decision to destroy the Jews of Europe was taken at the
Wannsee Conference. In fact, as Alan Cowell reported in the New York Times, mass murder of the Jews had begun well before the
Yet for decades, the ultimate enigma among historians of the Holocaust has
been, how can anyone prove that Hitler ordered the annihilation of Europe’s
Jews, and when did he do so?
Despite a half-century of research, no single document has provided evidence
that Hitler gave a written order for the Holocaust. Without that crucial piece
of paper, generations of historians have veered from the right-wing revisionism
of David Irving of Britain, who fought to discount Hitler’s role, to a belief,
embraced by American scholars like Richard Breitman and Daniel J. Goldhagen,
that Hitler made the decision in early 1941-- a thesis supported by the
systematic killing of Jews later that year. In contrast, the German historian
Hans Mommsen has cast Hitler as a "weak dictator" and the Holocaust as
the result of a horrendous bureaucratic process unfolding with its own momentum.
But now a German scholar, Christian Gerlach, has set off a debate among
historians with a new and contentious theory, based on a notation by Heinrich
Himmler, discovered in previously secret Soviet archives, and on other
documents. The documents supposedly establish that Hitler did, indeed, make a
personal decision to put to death German and all other European Jews, and
announced it to his most senior Nazi followers on Dec. 12, 1941.
In addition, Gerlach argues that the decision was touched off in part by
America’s entry into World War II after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on
Dec. 7, 1941. According to Gerlach, Hitler decided it was time to redeem a
prophecy he made that a new world war would mean the annihilation of all
Europe’s Jews, not just those in the Soviet Union. On January 30, 1939, the
sixth anniversary of his rise to power, Hitler
told the Reichstag:
And one more thing I would like now to state on this day memorable perhaps
not only for us Germans. I have often been a prophet in my life and was
generally laughed at. During my struggle for power, the Jews primarily
received with laughter my prophecies that I would someday assume the
leadership of the state and thereby of the entire nation and then, among many
other things, achieve a solution of the Jewish problem. I suppose that
meanwhile the laughter of Jewry in Germany that resounded then is probably
already choking in
their throats. [applause; Hitler coughs]
Today I want to be a prophet again. If international finance Jewry within
Europe and abroad should succeed once more in plunging the peoples into a
world war, then the consequence will be not the Bolshevization of the world
and therewith a victory of Jewry, but on the contrary, the destruction of the
Jewish race in Europe. [applause]
Und eines möchte ich an diesem, vielleicht nicht nur für uns Deutsche,
denkwürdigen Tag nun aussprechen: Ich bin in meinem Leben sehr oft Prophet
gewesen und wurde meistens ausgelacht. In der Zeit meines Kampfes um die Macht
war es in erster Linie das jüdische Volk, daß nur mit Gelächter meine
Prophezeiungen hinnahm, ich würde einmal in Deutschland die Führung des
Staates und damit der ganzen Nation übernehmen, und dann, unter vielen andern,
auch das jüdische Problem zur Lösung bringen. Ich glaube, daß dieses damalige
schallende Gelächter dem Judentum in Deutschland unterdessen wohl schon in der
Kehle erstickt ist.
Ich will heute wieder ein Prophet sein: Wenn es dem internationalen
Finanzjudentum in und außerhalb Europas gelingen sollte, die Völker noch einmal
in einen Weltkrieg zu stürzen, dann wird das Ergebnis nicht die
Bolschewisierung der Erde und damit der Sieg des Judentums sein, sondern die
Vernichtung der jüdischen Rasse in Europa.

Because some people discount Hitler's role in the Holocaust, it is
important to document his self-incriminating statements. Of these, his
January 30, 1939, Reichstag speech is strong evidence of his guilt. A recording of Hitler
this speech is included here; were
it not, Hitler's defenders might simply say that Hitler never made the Reichstag
speech and that it is a complete fabrication.
Hitler's German is usually not easy for a non-native speaker to understand.
Although born in rural Austria, Hitler
spoke in public with a Bavarian accent, and he sounded similar to
Adolf Wagner (1890-1944), the Gauleiter of Bavaria. Some people attribute
Hitler's accent to the three years he lived in Passau, a Bavarian town, between
the ages of three and six, when his speech was being formed. But Albert Speer
wrote that Hitler's Bavarian accent was purely the affectation of a man who had
a fondness for all things Bavarian. Indeed, Traudl Junge, Hitler's secretary,
recalled that in private Hitler often spoke with a light Austrian accent and
liked to use Austrian expressions.
A foreigner may understand
Hitler when he speaks quietly and calmly. But when
he gesticulates wildly and shouts, his diction
His actual words
at these moments were not too important. The words were like the
hackneyed libretto of an opera, which the singer does not enunciate carefully.
Hitler's listeners, roused to a frenzy, knew what their Führer
was bellowing, even though they did not
catch every phrase. Hitler, unlike Demosthenes, had no need to rehearse with a
mouthful of pebbles to perfect his diction.
Hitler's speech may be compared to that of his cronies. Hermann Göring
and Rudolf Heß, for example, spoke something more akin to High German. Joseph
Goebbels was outstanding in this regard. With his doctorate from Bonn,
Goebbels spoke like the German professor he might have become. Even in the
worst recordings, his every word is impeccably distinct.
In the section of Hitler's January 30, 1939, Reichstag speech
presented here, Hitler also enunciated with unusual care. The destruction of the
Jews was a subject important to him, and he undoubtedly wanted his listeners in the
Kroll Opera House to catch every word. Even when he begins to shout,
he is still quite understandable. Most telling, however, is the snide, threatening tone he
adopts when he says, "I suppose that
meanwhile the laughter of Jewry in Germany that resounded then is probably
already choking in
their throats." This one sentence, as Hitler delivers it, is more
terrifying than most of his printed diatribes.
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Hitler had not finished with this topic. In the Berlin Sportpalast, Jan 30,
1942, he had more to say:
It is clear to us that the war can only end with the
destruction of the Germanic peoples or the disappearance of Jewry from
Europe. On September 3, I already announced in the German Reichstag (and I
am careful not to make rash prophecies) that this war would not develop as
the Jews imagine, namely that the European-Aryan peoples will be
destroyed. Instead, the result of this war will be the destruction of
Jewry. For the first time others will not bleed alone. For the first time
the genuine old Jewish law will be applied: "An eye for an eye, a tooth
for a tooth!" And the more this war spreads, the more anti-Semitism
will spread. This may be said to world Jewry. Anti-Semitism will be
nourished in every prison camp, in every family which must be informed why
they must sacrifice to the bitter end. And the hour will come when the
most evil world enemy of all times will have played out its role for
perhaps a thousand years at least. |
Wir sind uns dabei im klaren darüber, daß der
Krieg nur damit enden kann, daß entweder die germanische Völker ausgerottet
werden, oder daß das Judentum aus Europa verschwindet. Ich habe am 3.
September im Deutschen Reichstag es schon ausgesprochen -- und ich hüte
mich vor voreiligen Prophezeiungen -, daß dieser Krieg nicht so ausgehen
wird, wie es sich die Juden vorstellen, nämlich daß die europäisch-arischen
Völker ausgerottet werden, sondern daß das Ergebnis dieses Krieges die
Vernichtung des Judentums ist. Zum erstenmal werden nicht andere allein
verbluten sondern zum ersten mal wird diesesmal das echt
altjüdische Gesetz angewendet: „Aug' um Aug', Zahn um Zahn!"
Und je weiter sich dieser Kampf ausbreitet, um so mehr wird sich mit diesem
Kampf--das mag
sich das Weltjudentum gesagt sein lassen--der Antisemitismus verbreiten. Er
wird eine Nahrung finden in jedem Gefangenenlager, er
wird eine Nahrung finden in jeder Familie, die
aufgeklärt wird, warum sie letzten Endes ihr Opfer zu bringen hat. Und es
wird die Stunde kommen, da der böseste Weltfeind aller Zeiten wenigstens
vielleicht auf
ein Jahrtausend seine Rolle ausgespielt haben wird.
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