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the City of Light, is the most popular tourist destination in Europe. Celebrated
in painting, literature, film, and song, Paris never ceases to delight its
millions of visitors. This book is a guide to historical sites in Paris
associated with the Second World War, which official French histories call La
Guerre 39-45. Understandably, the dark years of the German Occupation are a time
the French prefer not to remember at all. Why should they? Would anyone expect
them to put a plaque on the former Gestapo headquarters at 74, avenue Foch or 9,
rue des Saussaies? As the Resistance developed, screams from the interrogation
rooms kept neighbors awake at night. But these places, all described here, are
harrowing reminders, often unmarked, of a time of humiliation and privation,
unspeakable cruelties and brutal murders, but also of heroism and hope.
Published September 2013

Trade Paper

SF Tafel Publishers
ISBN-13: 978-1492292920
ISBN-10: 1492292923
336 pages, table of contents, photographs, index, appendix, bibliography, notes
"Helped by Mr. Krupp of Essen
Everyone should learn the lesson
Spread by missionary Huns
All decked out with bombs and guns."
Video: Hitler in Paris, June 23, 1940, and German victory parade:
Windows Media Player
Video: Reinhard Heydrich visits Paris, May 5, 1942:
Windows Media Player
Edward R. Murrow describes the fall of France:
Windows Media Player
CBS News' William L Shirer reports the French surrender:
Windows Media Player